Hey everyone -
I’ve posted my September Classes on my Facebook page. You do need to pre-register by September 6th.
Check out the first EVENT HERE.
This will be a kick off to the new Fall Line from Chalky & Company.
Hey everyone -
I’ve posted my September Classes on my Facebook page. You do need to pre-register by September 6th.
Check out the first EVENT HERE.
This will be a kick off to the new Fall Line from Chalky & Company.
Well, today I am both excited and saddened to be sharing this post with you! (And I waited til the 3rd, so you know it's not an April Fool's joke. Sheesh, that just dawned on me!!)
As you noticed, things have been quieter here.
Things are changing for us, and we are making plans for the future to move into something new and exciting for our family. With that decision made, I decided to step down from all of my card making responsibilities and design teams and originally planned to step down from everything online as well. However, we have tweaked the original plan some when things changed for us. We are still pursuing a form of Plan A, but it's probably going to take longer than we planned.
So I went back over and thought about what I really wanted to be doing.
I've been thinking about the amount of time and effort I put into this blog and YouTube and even though I love it, it's a lot. And it's not taking me in the direction that we want to go as a family as a whole. It's very time consuming to keep up a blog and YouTube channel when you are just doing it for fun. When I wasn't working, it was a great way to keep up with people and something to do. And to be honest, I've loved it.
In the midst of following our dream, I found a few new things to me.
First, I came across Chalky & Company, which is a fairly new company on the market. The specialize in Chalky Paints and product kits that you can do right in your own home. It was really something I wanted to do - hosting craft parties - but living in the middle of nowhere, gathering supplies and having them available is hard. So this company took all of that work out of the picture and made it easier for me! I am SO PUMPED to be with Chalky & Company.
Second, I made a list of things I wanted to really focus on which is the vast variety of crafts. And I pondered if I really even want to continue on with this online journey. I do. I really do, at least until we finalize plans of other things.
However, I don't plan to continue things on the blog. I will focus my work to YouTube and my Facebook page. That seems to be where the action is, and I want to make more time for the craft themselves.
IF YOU FOLLOW MY BLOG - please head over the YouTube and subscribe to my channel. THEN, head over to my Facebook page and make sure you like it and follow me there.
Created by Katie - https://www.facebook.com/createdbykatieskiff/
Also, follow me on my Chalky Page - https://www.facebook.com/chalkykatie/
Also, make sure you are following me on Instagram - @katieskiff
THE PLAN - I will be sharing A LOT of Bible Journaling videos on my YouTube, plus some fun projects I've had on my to do list with my Cricut. And then I will be sharing my Chalky Stuff. So please be sure to subscribe to me and to both my facebook pages so you don't miss anything!!
Lastly, I want to thank everyone who had me on their Design Teams over the years. Especially lately, Sandy and Tanya. And to my team mates on the Scrapbook Blessings Club and Riley & Co and Prickley Pear. As I told them all, it was so hard for me to actually step down from these positions.
Much love ladies!!
Thank you all so much for visiting my lil space of the 'net!!
Hey friends!!
Can you believe we are starting February this week? Glory Be, time is flying!
I wanted to share a couple cards I made for fun and for weekly challenges today. And I also wanted to share some Life Updates each month, so those are at the end of today’s post. This is a big post, so grab your cuppa and enjoy!
First off, both cards are made from this month’s Simon Says Card Kit. I love this kit!!
So the first card is for the Coffee Lovers Blog sketch challenge. You can find it HERE.
The papers are so fun and they really did a great job coordinating the papers! This pink patterned paper is awesome!! YAY!!
For this one, I played with the sketch at Paper Players . I loved with Amy Rysavy did with her stickers so I did a similar things with them on the kraft cardstock. I die cut the hearts from vellum so they were faintly there.
I love how this card turned out!! I really need to get some more of this patterned paper!!
January flew by for us!! While we didn’t have basketball taking up our weekends, we were able to enjoy more time at home!
January marked a whole year since mom had her stroke and it’s crazy to me how quickly that time flew by. Thankfully, she is doing well. In January Dad also got the all clear from his cancer that took over their fall. It was a crazy time for them, so seeing them both flourish now in January has been great!!
And speaking of the spry ones. January brought Aunt Gene’s 98th birthday. We celebrated with her a couple times at the Nursing home. She loved it and was up and moving.
I snapped this photo of her and my Grandpa who is 94. (She is my mom’s Aunt, this is my Dad’s dad. )
Weather has been typical of MT. Cold and snowy in the am, warm in the pm. LOL… Thankfully, we’ve missed the major storms and right now, we hardly have any snow. But we did enjoy it while we could.
I used spray paint to paint on my spring flowers.
We were able to finally meet our sweet Great Niece this last weekend. She has some fiery red hair and it’s adorable. She looks just like her big brother. It was really fun to snuggle and visit them all.
I am still hoping to get a trip to Billings in next month and more snuggles.
I also thought I would add a couple Origami Owl Updates to my Monthly Updates post. If you want regular updates, join my VIP group on Facebook. Otherwise, I will only share what’s going on in my Monthly Life Update posts.
This special for joining O2 ends this week, but there will be another if you join in February. CLICK HERE to learn more.
I am also starting Live Facebook Jewelry Bars, so if that is something that you might be interested in, email me. This is the February Hostess Exclusive.
And all of the new Spring Line is now available!! Plus the Limited Valentine’s goodies!!
Hey everyone - I did a lil facelift on the blog this week. A fresh start to the New Year!
I have links to the important items up at the very top. I also have them in my sidebar ----->
Are you following me on Facebook - created by Katie Not only do I share my blog posts, but I will also share sales and fun things I might see around Facebook.
I've also got a link to Bloglovin. Make sure if you are on there, you add my blog.
How about Instagram? I've very active there, so follow me @katieskiff
I am slowing going to be adding cards to my etsy store! Check it out HERE or in the sidebar anytime. You can see the lil thumbnails of the cards I have loaded. I plan to add them twice a month and will notify you here and on Facebook.
I've also added a link to my Origami Owl store. I don't share that much here, but if you want to be a part of my OO VIP group, send me an email. jstaskif @ yahoo dot com. Or email is in the sidebar.
That is all for today! Be safe tonight while you ring in the New Year. Come back tomorrow for a fun giveaway.
Hi friends…
Before I get to today's card, I wanted to share a quick update on life. We've had a wild couple of weeks with just life itself. We had events last week and were out of town for a couple days. Thankfully this week looks quieter already. Last week was dad's first treatments and it was a long week for both him and mom. He isn't feeling great, but they were home for the weekend. We got some time with them, and now they are heading back for another week of treatments.
I haven't gotten a crafty thing done in the last week or this weekend. I am in a bit of a funk and gave my head a break from it all. I focused on some things that needed to get done at home.
So hopefully this week I can get some new things to share with you!
I will have a new video up Saturday for sure, and I am trying to upload a PURGE video. It's huge!! So prepare for that. Hopefully by the end of the day.
Today's card was made for last week's Craftin Desert Divas' Release week. There is a whole new release of stamps going on this week and Tara is giving away this image on the website. Make sure you are going to the event on Facebook - HERE.
All items will be in the CDD Shop on 10/26 at 4pm EST. The special this release is FREE shipping with minimum purchase. US customers with $20. minimum order use code: 20SHIP for free shipping. International customers with $40. minimum purchase use code: 40SHIP for free shipping. Offer is not valid on previous orders, In stock items only. Offer valid 10-26 thru 10-31-16.
The image is called Raking Fall Fun, and it super cute!! I also used the dies from Fancy Frames and Stitched in Circles. The paper is from the Doodlebug line, Gingham, and of course, my favorite item of all – the sprinkles! A new item in the CDD Store is the Washi Tape, and I used the black and white striped on the middle panel!
Make sure you grab this freebie and join our Release Week event!
Enjoy your day - May your Monday be short and your Coffee Strong!
Thanks for the visit friends!!
Hi everyone -
I wanted to pop on to let you know that I will be quiet for a bit. We are taking care of some family medical issues and I wanted to make sure I am available to my family.
I have a few of my DT projects that will be scheduled and posting over the next couple weeks, but I know I planned to do a Halloween Series. I just didn’t want anyone looking for it and wondering what happened.
I will share more details later on, but we would all appreciate the prayers.
Hi guys - as we go into the weekend I wanted to share a couple things with you.
First, I am expecting some fun things in the mail today and I wanted to share them live with you. I am on Periscope so I think I will utilize that option in the future, but not today.
Today it will be a live Facebook event - probably about 4:oo p.m. MST. It will be on the Created by Katie Facebook page, not my personal one. Make sure you like that page so you can see it tonight!!
And then add me on Periscope - @katiejskiff
Don't forget the J. lol...
I do plan to utilize that app more as I go forward with my crafts. Maybe more for quick tips, some fun rambling, and for hauls. I don't want to add hauls to my YouTube, so I will try Periscope.
Also, make sure you are following me on Instagram too - I love to share things there. You can find me there as Katie Skiff.
OK - Enjoy your Friday!!
First off, I wanted to share some important things come for August
Important Notes:
We spent so much time at the lake, it was amazing. We loved every minute of it. But it really wiped us all out and we ended up with cold for a week. Boo.
We zipped out of town for Dr Appts and some favorite and new treats.
I finished off one more item on my Summer To Do list and got out Organization Station ready for Back to School.
We had more rain than normal for July ( well, all spring really.) So we took advantage of it and played around in this pit at my parent's house. Yes, with a canoe!! We had fun!!
Two of my laying hens hatched three chicks each. That doubled our dwindling lil hen house numbers! YAY!
Thankfully rainy days were good days to get 4H books done. And thankfully, we didn't wait til the last week! Now we are physically prepared. Mentally? I don't know!!
We got a new game called Tenzi and we usually have to play a few rounds after dinner each night!
So much going on. I will be around when I can, but make sure you are catching me on Instagram to see what I'm up to!
I'll be back tomorrow with a new Linky Party.
Sharing some fun news with you!!
Check out the video or watch on YouTube.
Scrapbook Blessings Club Info:
♡ T W I T T E R➜ @SBBlessingsClub
♡ B L O G➜ https://www.scrapbookblessingsclub.com/
♡ F A C E B O O K Group➜ https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheScrapBookblessingsClub/
♡ F A C E B O O K Page➜ https://www.facebook.com/scrapbookblessingsclub/?fref=ts
♡ P I N T E R E S T➜ https://www.pinterest.com/cleosan52/the-scrapbook-blessings-club/
Craftin’ Desert Divas Info:
♡ W E B P A G E ➜ http://craftindesertdivas.com/
♡ B L O G➜ http://www.craftindesertdivasblog.com/
♡ F A C E B O O K Page➜ https://www.facebook.com/CraftinDesertDivas/?fref=ts
Yesterday, we are sadly celebrating a few ladies who are retiring this year at work. I shared one of the cards awhile back and finished up this card this week.
I created this card for the secretary at our high school. She is some kind of awesome and has been working in this position for a long while!!
I am using the Happy Days Paper pack and the Beyond Awesome stamp set. I paired them with the new white twine and these fun sequins. The sketch came from this week’s Mojo Monday.
Both the paper and this stamp set are part of my Online Card Class for May. You can find the details HERE.
We are rained out of some of our weekend events so I’m going to tackle some things around home this weekend. We are on the countdown to 4H pigs arriving and it’s time to let the turkeys out of their pen.
I hope you enjoy your weekend!
Thanks for the visit today!!
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